2022 property appraisal season is upon us and for those of you who are new to the Walnut Creek Neighborhood this means the beginning of our annual property protest FESTIVAL OF SHARING.
Okay, so we don’t actually have a festival but much like my passion for holiday caroling the property appraisal process is one of the things I “geek out” on. So let me kick off this season of sharing with an overview of news, information, and tips
Delivery & due dates – Rollout of Travis County appraisal notices begin April 1st but can take several days to reach our area. Our neighborhood usually receives them all at about the same time so it is helpful for neighbors to share when they receive their notice so we can all be on the lookout and not miss the delivery. We may also need to plan a happy hour at Santorini’s to collectively support each other as we digest our appraisal. Home values have seen a 23% increase during the appraisal year with average sales up $107,000.
Protest format – 2022 protest format should remain the same as 2021 with the informal hearing taking place via an online option and formal hearings held via phone conferencing.
Protest workshop dates – I will hold my annual property appraisal protest workshops Wednesday April 27th. WCN neighbor Beth Coffey will host us at Trinity Title, 8303 MoPac Expy A-100, Austin, TX 78759. We will have both in-person and live Zoom feed for this event. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 829 7341 9654, Passcode: 17521 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82973419654?pwd=OGZGbXpJNEZ2WTZneWh4L21IRzl4dz09
Gather Evidence of Property Condition & Estimates for Repairs – while we wait for notices, I recommend obtaining estimates and condition reports that support your protest value. I will train neighbors on what evidence is acceptable to the appraisal review board (ARB) and Travis Central Appraisal District (TCAD). I have been coaching our community for over a decade on how to approach the annual property tax process and I will continue the mission to ensure homeowners know their rights and empower you to navigate the process with information and facts. Knowledge is power. The county appraisal process is designed to be equal and uniform so cooperating and collaborating together benefits us all.
Communication Threads – Otherwise known as our “Festival of Sharing” will begin on all social media platforms. This is our WCN tradition of learning together. No news, tip, or experience is too small. I will initiate threads at every phase of the process and share what I am learning in the field.
Homestead reminder – Teacher Jill is strongly recommending all new residents and those who have not yet filed for their Texas homestead to take this time to exercise your right as a Texas homeowner and receive your savings benefit from obtaining homestead status for your primary residence. i8
And for those that like to join me in expanding your knowledge of this process I am pleased with the improvements TCAD has made to their website resources and educational materials. Visit them here. https://traviscad.org/protests